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This week we're starting off a brand new series called "Heart to Heart: Having Holy Communication" where we'll be taking a look at the ways in which we're communicating with each other, or not communicating as the case may be. How can we speak to one another in ways that are holy instead of hurtful? I hope that you'll join us for the next three weeks as we dive into this new series that seeks to find ways we can all have better heart to heart moments.

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Today, we're kicking off a brand new message series called "Thrive-More Than Just Alive." Too often, we can get used to "just getting by" or "surviving" when we were made for so much more than ordinary lives. We were made to thrive! So, join us as we begin to look at ways we can do that, beginning with "Overcoming Apathy" and then moving on to “Overcoming Obstacles,” “The Child Within and Without,” and ending with “You Were Born to Thrive.” We’d love for you to be our guest as we learn to thrive!

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This week we start off a new series called "Go." In our last series, we looked at the Great Commandment and how we should follow that. This series, we're taking a look at the other "great" statement of Jesus: The Great Commission. How should we be a people who "go"? And how should we go? Does our doubt prevent our worship from being authentic? And who goes with us as we go? We'll be talking about all this and more as we take a look at The Great Commission in our new series Go. We'd love for you to join us!

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This week we're starting off a new message series that takes a look at the barriers, the barricades, and the fences that we place between ourselves and others. Sometimes these may be intentional and sometimes unintentional, but they always keep us reaching the people we are supposed to reach, serving the people we are supposed to serve, and loving the people we're supposed to love. I hope that you will join us as we look at how we can go "across the fence."

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Have you ever wondered how many things we attribute to the Bible, to God, or to Jesus that they never actually said? A lot of the time, we hold on to these little "nuggets of wisdom" and try to use them to be helpful, but they end up being the opposite. Do we cause more harm than good when we say them? Do we say something by using them that we never meant to say? Join us for this new series as we look at these things the Bible never said:

Week One: Everything Happens for a Reason
Week Two: God Won't Give You More Than You Can Handle
Week Three: A break in the series as a lay speaker gives the message
Week Four: Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin
Week Five: Preach the Gospel at All Times, When Necessary Use Words


Our theme for this series is Freed-2-Lead. The church needs leaders rooted in Christ,
who have a vision for changing the world. Today’s young people have fearless hearts,
vibrant ideas and a passion for ministry. Their talents should be nurtured to shape the
church’s path into the future. The church must invite young people – including women
and people of color the world over – into ministry, equip them to be effective leaders
and be open to where they want to lead us. We also must strengthen lay persons, who
are ministering at every level of the church.

All of us have been Freed-2-Lead and have a role in mentoring and equipping others
to lead


Wouldn't it be great if, in this crazy world of ours, there were some simple rules that could help us keep everything together and make decisions? They wouldn't make the decisions for us, but they would give us a basis, a foundation, for how to make them? Well, I've got good news for you! There are three simple rules that will help us to do just that! Join us in worship as we take a look at John Wesley's 3 Simple Rules.

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There is meanness all around us. We can see it on social media, in the news, and in our interactions with people out in the world. How often do we see it and recognize it in ourselves, though? Join us in this message series as we explore how to be less of a meanie and more like God has called us to be.

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Lent was, historically, a time when people were preparing to be baptized and join the church on Easter Sunday. They would give up things that distracted them, so that they could focus wholly on their studies during this time. This is where our idea about “giving something up for Lent” comes from. I think that, really, a lot of us don’t feel like we are “prepared” to be “good enough” Christians. We worry about not praying enough, not reading the Bible enough, not being spiritual enough. And we end up being convinced that we just don’t “do” Christianity the “right” way. Instead of focusing on all our imperfections, this series will prepare us for Easter Sunday and the great loving act that Christ would perform over holy Week by proclaiming God’s love for the imperfect. God meets us in the middle of our mess and we can have our eyes opened to being loved in our messiness. Grace is not neat and tidy and organized… it’s chaotic. And so, this Lent, join us as we look for God’s Chaotic Grace.


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Punctuation is our new series where we will be taking a look at all the “punctuation” moments of life and what we can learn to live through them, grow from them, and be empowered by them. Each week will look at a different punctuation mark and see what they can teach us about our lives for today and the future. We'd love for you to be our guest as we see what can happen when we embrace the punctuation moments in our lives!