Fredericktown UMC Live Worship

Apologies for the disruption in our livestream this week. Our computer crashed at the beginning of worship and we were unable to get it back up and running during worship. We’re looking at getting it running again, and if we can, we’ll livestream the sermon later this week. Be on the lookout for this page to update with the sermon when we do. Apologies for the technical issues!

You can be our guest for worship this week by joining in right here with our livestream! We are so thankful you are here! If you would like to contact us or send in your offering, please use the contact info on the “contact” link located in the “about” section of our site or see the donate button below to give online. We would love for you to contact us and let us know you are worshipping with us so that we can celebrate you being here! Also, if you have any prayer requests, please send those to us as well and we will be in prayer with you for them.

We will be livestreaming our worship at 9 AM on Sunday mornings. Until we go live, the previous week’s service will be here to watch. If it doesn't say we’re live, you're watching last week’s worship. If it says the video is unavailable, it’s because we haven’t gone live yet on a Sunday morning. Just refresh this page after 9 AM if it doesn’t go live automatically. Thank you for being our guest in worship! Here at Fredericktown UMC, YOU are welcome. Be you. Be loved. Belong.

If you would like to make a donation to Fredericktown UMC to help us continue our mission, ministry, and outreach to our world, please use the donate button below. We are so thankful for your support! It means the world to us!
You are the blessing that helps keep our work going! Thank you and God bless!