Our next message series is taking a look at the call placed on us as United Methodists through our Baptismal Creed and our Membership Vows. We've seen in our previous series that we are called to live out the Resurrection and be a Pentecost people, but how do we say we are called to do that specifically as United Methodists? That's what we’re going to be looking at over the next several weeks together! We hope that you will be our guest!
We celebrated the resurrection on Easter Sunday! So, now what? Where do we go from here? What difference does it make in our lives? We invite you to join us through the season of Easter as we take a look at how to live out the resurrection in our lives. It’s more than just believing in a fact, this is about living the story. We hope that you’ll join us in worship for the next 6 weeks together as we learn how to live it out.
For the next few weeks together, we're going to be working through the book of Habakkuk. We don't know much about the author, other than he was named Habakkuk and that he came to God with some hard questions that we might all have asked throughout our lives. Why is evil allowed to happen? Why doesn't God do something about these horrible things we're seeing? The fact that God doesn't just make everything "right" causes us to doubt God is listening or even there. These were the questions that Habakkuk took to God, and these are what we're going to be looking at when we see how we can still hold on to faith and hope "when God seems silent." We'd love for you to be our guest for worship in person or online at 9 AM on Sunday.
This week, we’re starting off a new series at Fredericktown UMC called “The In-Between.” It seems like all of last year, we were just trying to make it through to Christmas and then to 2021. We were so eager to be out of 2020! Now that we are, though, it doesn’t seem like a lot has changed. We can look back fondly at how things used to be, and we can look ahead to a time when we are past this pandemic, but for right now we are still in-between those two places. And, really, that’s how we are a lot in life: between what was and what is; just trying to live out the now as best we can. How do we, as a church, live up to the calling that has been placed upon us to live out our very best now? What can we take from the past and what can we dream about in the future that helps make what we do in the in-between not just a time of remembering and waiting, but a time of doing, building, restoring, and renewing? Let’s take a look at how to live out our best “in-between.”
We’re never ready for Advent. Each year it seems to sneak up on us out of nowhere. This year, that seems to be true more than ever. In the midst of all the “mess” this year has brought us, we might feel tired, deflated, and just not sure if we’ll ever be ready for Christmas again. This is precisely the reason we need it. We hope that you will join us in person or online as we prepare for a messy Christmas and just what it might mean for us in times like these. We would love for you to be our guest. Here, at Fredericktown UMC, YOU are welcome. Be you. Be loved. Belong.
Join us as we journey though a series taking a look at forming a mission and vision statement for this church: what we think it should do and how we think it should be. Let’s work together to create a statement that tells this are who we are! We would love to have you as our guest either online or in person for worship! Here at Fredericktown UMC, YOU are welcome. Be you. Be loved. Belong. 🌈
We're starting off a brand new series called "Finding Our New Normal." Through this series, we're going to be taking a look at all the ways life can change around us. It might be dealing with COVID-19 or it might be something else. Whatever it is, though, the way life was before is no more. Things have changed and we have to find a way to live into this new reality. Join us as we begin looking at how to live into this new normal, and how we might look forward with hope instead of always looking backwards with sadness. We would love to have you as our guest either online or in person for worship! Here at Fredericktown UMC, YOU are welcome. Be you. Be loved. Belong. 🌈
The message series that we will be doing for the rest of July is called "Nothing Shall Separate Us" taken from Paul in Romans 8. We will work our way through the entire chapter of Romans 8 over the course of three weeks. Through this message series, we will look at that, even with everything going on with COVID-19 in the world and here at home, we have a reminder that no matter what the world might throw at us, no matter what our own perceived brokenness might uncover, no matter how far we may feel from everyone and from God, we are confident that, as the body of Christ, nothing shall separate us.
We are re-launching Fredericktown UMC with in person worship beginning June 14th at 10 AM! We’ve had to only gather online for several months, but now we are ready to relaunch with a new series about making a fresh start. What does it mean to re-launch the church and our lives in this new world we live in? Do we just go back to the way things were before, or is this an opportunity to launch us into something new? Join us for worship at our temporary time of 10 AM on Sundays as we look for the answers together!
This week we are starting a brand new series for Lent here at Fredericktown UMC called "24 Hours That Changed the World." Though it, we'll be taking a look at the last 24 hours that Christ spent on the earth before his crucifixion. He knew it was coming, so how did he choose to spend that final day? What can we learn from what happened and how can it apply to our lives? Is there something more to it than just the story we're familiar with? I invite you to join us as we take a look at these questions and more, starting this week and ending on Easter Sunday morning. Come and find out how you fit into the story. We would love for you to be our guest!