
Over the next four weeks, as we go through this study on Luke’s Gospel, we are going to be looking at four stories that help us better understand what it means to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ who is transforming the world. The four stories we will consider in this series are:

• The Parable of the Good Samaritan

• The Visit with Mary and Martha

• The Teaching on Prayer

• The Power of Possessions

So come on out and join us as we seek out the ways we can all live up to the calling we have to be disciples. It’s not just something for the long term Christian and it’s not just something for someone checking out the faith for the first time. It’s for all of us, no matter where we are on the journey, no matter what doubts we may have, and no matter if we’ve decided to believe or not. These are four ways that we can all come closer together, in community, and work for the benefit of the people around us.