This week we’re starting a new series looking at the fact that a lot of time when we think about serving or helping or finding ways to do ministry in the world, it can seem overwhelming. The problems are too big to tackle, the people are too many, and we don't even know where to start. That can lead us to get frozen in place because there are just too many options and we're not sure what to do. When we look at Jesus, though, we see that most of the time, when he affected real change in the world, it was through a one-on-one relationship with someone. Yes, he had big sermons with thousands of people that absolutely made an impact. But those times were few and far between. Mostly it was a one-on-one relationship where he really got to see the other person and know them for who they are and where they are. Join us as we learn from Jesus more about how to “one” another.